The world's economies are close to collapse and the gap between the insanely wealthy and the desperately poor grows ever wider. At that price, it's well worth the money and will give you a fun cyberpunk experience that should be free of ridiculous, NSFW bugs.Deus Ex Human Revolution è un action stealth game con elementi da rpg. It might not completely fill that Cyberpunk-sized void in your life, but Mankind Divided is a fantastic title that didn't seem to get the same kind of love that Deus Ex: Human Revolution received. So before you look into buying it, check your Playstation library as you might already own it and not even realize it. It's also worth noting that Mankind Divided was actually given out as a free game with PS Plus back in January of 2018. However, due to Cyberpunk's disastrous launch, it's now the perfect alternative for Playstation owners who have been let down by CD Projekt Red. It's possible that this was planned to entice people to buy it after they were done with Cyberpunk and wanted more time in a dystopian techno-future. It's rather coincidental that Deus Ex: Mankind Divided would go on sale right now. RELATED: Cyberpunk 2077 Isn't The First Game To Launch In A Broken State, But It's The Worst Offender Yet The only drawback to Mankind Divided is a lack of Keanu Reeves as Johnny Silverhand, but Adam Jenson is just as brooding and mopey and his sunglasses are even built into his face. You can upgrade your character in a similar manner to Cyberpunk including the choice to focus on stealthily sneaking your way through a mission or straight-up murdering people with arm-blades. There are less gratuitously provocative advertisements strewn about and conversations about the ethics of being augmented come up frequently. While it doesn't offer the same level of open-world exploration or graphical fidelity, the world feels more grounded.

You could even go as far as to declare that it's a better game in some aspects. It's the sequel to 2013's Deus Ex: Human Revolution and it's a damn fine game that captures exactly the kind of feeling that Cyberpunk 2077 was aiming for.

On the Playstation Store, you can find Deus Ex: Mankind Divided for a cool $4.49.