Adobe Creative Suite users can use Adobe Bridge to synchronize color settings across various programs. Synchronization makes Photoshop not change colors on export and look the same on all Adobe applications. Synchronize color settings across Adobe applications The Jpeg repair tool is smart and quick to fix multiple JPEG files simultaneously without you putting any of the efforts. Even if your JPEG files have turned severely corrupt, the software extracts thumbnails out of them. Tip: Use Stellar Repair for Photo for pixelated, blurry or color saturation issues Stellar Repair for Photo tool easily fixes such distortions in the photos. The JPEG colour change problem on export from Photoshop should now be fixed. Open the photo in Paint and save it without making any changes. You can change your JPEG photos color profile to RGB mode by simply opening it in Microsoft Paint. Tip: If the JPEG does not print well after export, you can print the image directly from the PSD file you worked upon and use the settings to get the desired quality level. This method also saves the EXIF data of the JPEG photos. Then save the photo as JPEG using File>Save As>JPEG command. You can convert to sRGB profile via Edit>Convert to Profile>sRGB. This is applicable if your JPEG pictures already have sRGB color profile. On embedding a color profile while saving you are including that color profile in the JPEG image. When you save the JPEG, make sure the ‘Embed Color Profile’ is checked in the Save As dialog box. How to fix JPEG colour change issue on export Ensure ‘Save As’ with ‘Embed Color Profile’ box is checked in